The authors of LAS VOCES OLVIDADAS are women who deal extensively and reflectively with the experience of the loss of a baby in the first weeks of gestation with the determination to bring to light a reality that is not very visible and immersed in countless taboos. This book gives voice, space and time to the babies who only lived in the womb; to the mothers, who often silenced their grief because of the social and cultural silence to which these losses have been subjected; and to the fathers, who, even today, almost nobody pays attention to them. Phases of grief, fertility problems, repeat losses, abortion management, full breasts and empty arms, subsequent pregnancies and births… all this has been shrouded in the dark halo of fear, anguish, loneliness, frustration, isolation, denial and misinformation experienced by the woman and her partner in the face of early gestational loss. An issue that humanity has had pending since the beginning of time, because… the pain that is silenced is more painful.
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