
Armando Bastida
I am a father of three children and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. The first years of my profession were dedicated to out-of-hospital care, where I spent six years on board an ambulance attending all kinds of emergencies. In 2006, when my first child was born, I decided to change my professional life and began to train and learn everything related to children's health, education and nutrition. So, I dared to talk about it in a modest blog at the same time that I started working in Primary Care, both in the adult and pediatric service. Since 2008 I have been part of the Pediatrics team at the EST Primary Care Center in Terrassa (Barcelona), and at the same time I started writing for Bebés y más, the most popular Spanish-speaking maternity and parenting portal, where I have published more than 3,500 entries. After years of training, learning and practice in the office and at home, now it is time to expand horizons to continue helping those who want to have those tools that all parents would have liked to have when our baby was born.